Product stock availability: Our website is monitored daily, and products sold out will be indicated online.
How do I place an order?
- Browse the items available, and click the product you are interested in
- Select the item you are wanting are then “add to cart”
- The product will be added to your “CART” which is available to view, above in the “view your cart” icon.
- You can view cart, and check the shipping details.
- Below your invoice, you will see “proceed to checkout” click here.
- You will need to fill in your shipping and billing details.
- Select your method of payment & follow instructions.
- CONGRATULATIONS! You have purchased a petit bunny You will receive an email shortly.
How do I wash my purchased product:
Our products come with full washcare instructions on a white label inside the product. Our dummy clip has no washcare as it would ruin the look and feel of the product, however it can be hand washed, or washed at 30 degrees celcius in the washing machine. The clip and dummy to be removed prior.